2019 Theology & Trauma Conference
In 2019, I was the recipient of a generous grant from the Logos Institute for Analytic and Exegetical Theology at the University of St Andrews, funded by the Templeton Foundation. I proposed a Church Conference that addressed trauma from a theological perspective. As a result, in July 2019, the first Theology and Trauma Conference took place in St Andrews, Scotland.
After receiving further independent funds from donors who believed in this vision, I collaborated and partnered with the Seattle School of Theology and Psychology and the Allender Center to bring together the best of today’s trauma care experts and theologians in order to host a vibrant conversation on theology and trauma. We asked questions like these: What is the intersection between the story of Jesus and our stories of trauma? How can we think in the light of Christ’s coming about the darkness of living in a fallen world?
The conference was open to pastors, theologians, philosophers, biblical scholars, counselors, parishioners, laypeople, clinicians, survivors, and healers…basically anyone who has an interest in trauma and the gospel of grace.
The conference was free of charge in order to make it as accessible as possible for all.
By the end of the conference, we left with a fresh vision for the nature of God, the nature of profound human suffering, how it is that we can faithfully bear witness and administer healing in a world so shattered by unspeakable terrors.
I hope to continue hosting the Theology and Trauma Conference in future years. Until then, you can see the details from the 2019 Conference below, including video recordings of the plenary sessions.
Christ and Trauma
Doing Theology East of Eden
Sponsored by:
July 12-13, 2019
St Andrews, UK
Plenary Speakers
Elaine Storkey
Dr. Elaine Storkey is a prolific author and speaker, devoting much of her attention to advocating against violence toward women and other minority groups. She has published many works, including Scars Across Humanity: Understanding and Overcoming Violence Against Women.
Preston Hill
Preston Hill is Assistant Professor of Integrative Theology and Co-Chair of Integration at Richmont Graduate University. He is a pre-licensed Clinical Pastoral Therapist and postulant for ordination to priesthood in the Anglican Church in North America. His research, teaching, and clinical work focus on Christian theology and psychological trauma.
Chelle Stearns
Dr. Chelle Stearns is Associate Professor of Theology at the Seattle School of Theology and Psychology. Her academic work has focused on the interaction between theology and music, and she loves to talk about the Christian imagination. She is currently engaging in research on a theology of abuse.
Rachael Clinton Chen
Rachael Clinton Chen is a trauma specialist, pastor, preacher, and therapeutic practitioner. She serves as the Director of Teaching & Care at The Allender Center at The Seattle School, as well as part of the teaching and training team.